Now your users have a possibility to use a general chat in the Impact theme.

Global Google Translate
You can now translate the whole website to another language within 1 minute, which could take days earlier! Of course the translation will need some editing, but it is a perfect starting point.

You can even translate phrases one by one, if some minor correction is needed.

Gradient backgrounds
Now you can make website rendering a lot smoother for the end user.
First they will see something like this:

And after the main image loads they see this:

That is, you can show gradient instead of color when the website loads.
More banner placement positions
You can now place banners in the header and in the footer of your website:

Audio and Video Chat in iOS11 in Safari
Apple at last added full WebRTC support in iOS11 so now Video and Audio Chats work in iOS in Safari.

New bottom menu in iOS app
Sometimes (maybe once in 15 submissions) Apple will say that it does not like your app because it is lacking interactive features. Now a new native menu has been added for such special cases.

CTRL+S for saving changes in the Admin CP
Tired of looking for that Save button all over the page? Now you can just press ctrl+s.

And 400+ more additions and corrections!